Umera Ahmed's Amar Bail Novel

Amar Bail is among those classics which Umera Ahmed has penned down from his imagination and the experience. 
In this novel, Umera Ahmed reveals the truth of Police machinery, Administration and power politics in the cover of a beautiful but not lasting of Alizey and Umar Jahangeer.

In Pakistan, there are many cruel realities that we all have to face. Political oppression is one of the biggest dilemmas we all are facing in our life along with those other types of machinery like Law etc has also had their own issues with the populace. 

All these things have been sharply depicted by Umera Ahmed in Amar Bail. Apart from all these, what makes this novel a classic is the love story between Umar Jahangeer and Aleezey.

The love story which starts from hate ends at ruthless murder of Kumar Jahangir who is a police officer but due to his conflict with many high power authorities, he becomes a victim of their rage and eventually murdered by them. 

His murder gives a heavy blow to Aleezy.
Umar Bail has been acknowledged as one of the best novels Umera Ahmed has ever written. 

Amar Bail has been given the prestigious position among Umera Ahmed's all-time best novels. 

The ugly realities of different high authorities and power politics are realistic and are liked by people who see the reflection of society in this novel and hence like it the most.

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